Grab Your Bars

My Mountain Biking Hobby is my Back Door and Entrance for Unexpressed Emotions and Uncontrolled Feelings for Seeking Thrill and Because Mountain Biking Takes me to a Place Something Unusual of the Real World!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Gateway Arch to....

This morning we went back to the usual weekend trail and this time we had a successful roll into kilometer 15, as we slowly climb the steep hill construction is under development, the drainage system and pavements are under renovation and this time for good. All the way to the target checkpoint is so dusty as heavy equipment are climbing and descending for supplies for the on-going construction.

We head on to the old trail were we use to cruise before with Zagatrix's DH rig, and this spot caught our eyes and photo interest! A man made arch, a result of previous quarrying that somehow looks like a tourist spot! ^^ And we had fun taking pictures of us on it (although I'm afraid of heights).

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